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From Oryza Sativa herbaceous plant with an annual cycle belonging to the Graminacee family, the oldest and well knowed cereal in the world is obtained: The Rice. Originating in the South-East Asian countries, where it was cultivated for food already in the sixth millennium BC, rice spread only several centuries later in the Middle East, Africa and Europe.
In addition to the well-known food purposes, rice has always been appreciated for its numerous cosmetic properties. The most well knowned and used derivatives of this cereal in cosmetics are oil for its emollient and refreshing properties, starch for moisturizing and nourishing properties and rice proteins for their film forming and protective action.
Brown Rice, common base product throughout the line, is characterised by a high fiber content, by mineral salts, amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins compared to the refined product. In paticular brown rice has a higher concentration of Vitamins group B and E, useful for the wellbeing of the skin and to prevent skin aging.
Captivated by the extraordinary properties of brown rice and its derivatives we decided to develop the line ArdaLat Veg to provide an excellent ally for the beauty of skin and hair.
The main benefits common to all references are:
The references of the line differ concerning the cosmetic properties due to the selected natural extracts: Aloe, Cotton, Almond, Honey, Rosehip, and White Tea.